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Hosting a static website with Minio

Table of Contents


Figure 1: Static website files inside an s3 bucket


Setting up minio inside a Docker container

Installing the minio client

Configuring the HTTP router


# [LIVE] https://wsantos.io/
  entrypoints = ["websecure"]
  rule = "Host(`wsantos.io`)"
  service = "s3_wsantos_net-api@docker"
  middlewares = ["wsantos_io-blog_live"]

    certresolver = "letsencrypt"

  regex = "^/(.*)"
  replacement = "/websites/wsantos.io/blog/live/$1"

# [STAGING] https://staging.wsantos.io/
  entrypoints = ["websecure"]
  rule = "Host(`staging.wsantos.io`)"
  service = "s3_wsantos_net-api@docker"
  middlewares = ["wsantos_io-blog_staging"]

    certresolver = "letsencrypt"

  regex = "^/(.*)"
  replacement = "/websites/wsantos.io/blog/staging/$1"
Last updated: Monday 19 February, 2024